Sunday, January 11, 2015

Toasted In A Cold Wet Day 在寒冷的冬日里

What you want to do for a cold wet weekend in winter?
My perfect day will be, wake up at noon, all day makeup-free in my cashmere loungewear, reading, drinking, joking, music, and eat a bit.


Lamb is always my #1 choice for cold weather.  Herb Roasted Lamb Shanks. A lot of herbs, a lot of vegetables, and a lot of slow cook. Perfect to top on pasta, or rice, or simply just by themselves.
记得和先生第一次在这儿去中东馆子吃羊。一人点一只羊腿,一副豪迈的样子。谁知端将出来,比个鸡腿大不了多少。还配上让人几乎绝望的小山一般多的白米饭,更显得主菜的单薄。原来,人家的羊腿就是小腿,谁让你幻想1/4羊一般的全腿来着。(虽说半生不熟的菜单上写的是"leg", 不是"shank"哦)

Spicy Dry-Roasted Goat Ribs. The well-balanced hot and tenderness and fatness, I find them hard to resist.
要遇上嫌腿不够肥厚的抱怨,咱们还有羊排。从本地一家叫耶路撒冷的中东店里买的Hala 羊排,没皮却不少脂肪,来一客干锅羊排,可劲下辣子,孜然,和各式香辛料,让人可是过瘾的就着喝到有些高。

Steamed Chinese Sausage Top on Rice w/sweet Soy sauce. Even my boys love this so much they keep asking it all year along, but the flavor always reminds me those little street stands back in the south of China on the coldest day of a year.

Wonton Soup. 来一碗大肉馄饨。撒多多的辣椒粉胡椒粉。简单的鲜甜。

Individual Hot Pot. No matter what you put in, as long as begin with a good soup base, these clay pots guaranty hot and hearty.

For traditional hot pot, even I do loads of tofu, mushrooms, and green leaves, the fatter the meat, the better they sales.
火锅也 一样快捷。就是熬汤头费事些。 这个冬天我们喜欢放玉米进猪骨熬,配大量的菇菌豆制品和菜。肉不多但一定得够肥。

Winter is a good time for fresh bean sprouts.

And also a perfect time for sweet rice ball in ginger & brown sugar soup.