Monday, December 22, 2014

1st Day of Winter 冬至吃快餐

I never knew lunar year celebrate numbers of fest same as "normal calendar" until in charge of a kitchen. Like, first day of summer, first day of winter ;)
It's a big fest back in Asia when celebrate winter. For me, this is a day fulfilled with tons of best wishes from WeChat, text messages, and still, a quick 40 minutes cook.


 Simple roasted farm chick: soy sauce, wine, ginger, and sesame oil. 三杯鸡。只要鸡肉正,最简单的配料和方法,一样好好味。

Teriyaki salmon belly. I love the fatty part of fish. Melted in mouth!

Roasted Pork with Sugar and Soy Sauce.

 Veg veg, veg. We need at least three per meal.

Sweet Dumpling Ball. Did you ever doubt how to put the "stuff" in the center, when you were little ---- I did @_@

Fruits from my own yard. The best of a whole year's work, wish, and counting. (still have tons of grapefruits on tree waiting per order)