Saturday, December 20, 2014


The very least on my collection should be flats. Don't get me wrong, I love Audrey Hepburn, and I enjoy comfort. It just depends when and where and how. The higher the heels, the higher the attitude does work on me very well. I sometimes think Heels and lipsticks are the least one I can live without.

And who says that, keep your heels, head, and standards high.

Anyway, flats. Anyone?

我上周末陪孩子去大学城比赛。起个大早的却遇上马拉松封路,不管车上的手机的任何GPS再绕,也脱不了身。眼看开赛在即,情急之下跳出车来,还要扛着孩子要吃要喝的小冰袋,就在偌大的校园里和孩子靠手机跨砖路跨土路寻线而奔。看孩子比赛嘛,不好穿太讲究,倒总是配双美丽的好鞋子。可不巧,这天就得踩着4"载重愣跑了1英里。哎呀一开始是心疼鞋,没两分钟就心疼肉啦:脚都磨破出血,还不敢耽误,也没告诉孩子,怕影响他的心情。他几次要让自己的crocs 给我,做妈妈的,有他这份心,都知足啦,哪里会看他赤脚跑。不过心里真是想念着,我那些旮旯里的平底鞋哎。

其实,我真的,是有平跟鞋子的 ...... 就看是不是有人看得见我穿的样子罢了。

My all time favorite. She is a good life lady, pure, lovely, and elegant.
有心搜搜,还是觉得,好美的是她 ^^ 蓝蓝的,丝缎,珍珠。都齐了。

Tod's is always the top choice on flats. Their comfy and exact grab fit driving and piano so well, you may forgive the traffic or hurt on wrists.

 I love bright color flats: at least there is one thing to pop.

When I was little, I would think these are a perfect pair to kick all rocks into the river!

A girly girl.

It's hard for me to flats, so anything under 2" should be group into comfort. And they are.

Once a friend showed me her travel pictures. I was so confused: why did you put on sneakers? It's in a city, no mountains......

 Other than flip-flops, the very lowest of all.
真的,原来所有凉鞋里最低就是她 :)

I was thinking about One Thousand and One Nights when finding this pair. Go well at home with loungewear.