Sunday, August 3, 2014

Korean BBQ & Seaweed Wrap 周末小烤肉

Shopping till 5:30pm. Now feeling in need a rewarding but quick (as always) dinner. Sometimes, I do enjoy rice, meat, and a lot of them together...


BBQ Pork Belly w/Onion.  

BBQ Pork.

Bulgogi, Beef rib eye steak. 当然不会少烤牛眼排。咸咸甜甜软软的。

Wrap with fresh rice (not sushi rice) and seasoned seaweed. Love the hot, crispy and fresh taste. 用调味的紫菜现吃现卷,各人选各味,紫菜又鲜脆,老少都满意。肉和饭都吃多啦。

You get to have some Kimchi. No matter where it shows up.  Kimchi and Soft Tofu Soup. 本来是想煮鲜人参鸡汤的,时间太赶,既然泡菜是不可以少,那就和豆腐上个汤好了。天热,心思都不在这上面了。

 Bitter Melon Salad. Best sale in hot summer time. 昨晚上泡的苦瓜酸。这才是消暑的好东西。

Sautéed squash & lettuce w/garlic. 既然决定不用生菜叶来卷,那加两个蔬菜是必须的。

Jackfruit. I feel lucky to be able to enjoy most fruits all around places and memories. 盛夏的餐前的水果。甜蜜蜜的菠萝蜜。