Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Fruity Summer 打开炎炎夏日的序幕

Summer is here, kiddos are out of school!! Goodbye to thoooooooose early morning busy with varies breakfast, then lunch pack, another version of breakfast, another version of lunch pack,  and drop offs, and running for missing items... Phew, mom is the happiest one under the roof to celebrate summer break.

Yes, we are famous for our three digits temperature long summer. What can be better to work on colorful fruits while lay back in yard watching them splashing and screaming.

过了端午,炎炎夏日就在眼前。没有胃口的时节,水果是个好调剂。 让眼和脾胃都舒服。看看日常摆玩的早餐果品,找出些待客或聚会的水果盘,甜甜冰冰的滋味,好惬意呢。


I love my fruit plate whenever entertaining. Not only for parties, but most of time, just for our family. Very seasonal, all beautiful, clean, colorful, prepare ahead, and everyone can find something to enjoy.
摆将开来,我常常收不住手:总是备了太多,摆得不够满似的。后来学乖了,大致摆一半,吃了再添。水果要冰镇爽口,少 翻动才可口,所以和沙拉头抬一样,保持新鲜比一次摆足要来得重要。

Snack for one (yes, one). What can be better to pair this plate with a Zinfandel and kiddos jumping into the pool on a hot summer day.
这一盘色彩不那么讨喜,却满是我的回忆:第一次对水蜜桃的迷恋,不是为果子,而是当年家家户户开买冰箱,水蜜桃汽水好美味哦 --- 所以吃到水蜜桃,就是一如当年喝自家汽水的幸福感。泰国的象牙芒,是极其甜蜜的待遇, 自己一人马不停蹄的吃,上火也在所不惜。火龙果艳丽的对比色,让人好奇(而第一次吃到这不算艳丽的滋味,多么惆怅)。蓝莓待了好几年才爱上,而一旦迷恋就一发不可收,简直是相见恨晚。看看自己一路钟爱的水果,越来越不太甜蜜。可能与经历有关,或者可能与岁月有关。

Self-treat while working on some gathering parties. Eating well while feed others.










A lot of these are just breakfast or late pm snacks. My family knows me well, the morning happiness ratio raised while the variety on fruits added.

Costa Rica top the best Pineapple in my heart.  吃多了,还得英雄问明出处。

 Nothing better than fresh picked berries. 自然熟透的果子,是真正清甜。

 Fruits only we know of :) 思乡的春天里。
Why all alike my fav?! 啊,是我最最爱!美满的慵懒的揽着一本书的夏天!

Best Texan oranges from my back yard. Our yearly celebration before holiday vocation. So purely honey sweet, crispy texture, oh I appreciate sincerely the friend who sent me the tree as a gift, and my gardener helped me to relocate the tree, no matter how giant it is, wherever I moved around. 不是吹牛,真的是一流的德州橙。一切优点,包括可以想像得到的。这两年,连籽都少到快没了。

 I love to hear their screaming while cut yellow watermelon in half in summer. "Surprise!" 我的小朋友们最期待的夏天的特别礼物。舀着吃。

And I love the none-brain fruity juice/tea. Who really mind the temperature outside....