Thursday, May 29, 2014

Everyday Seafood II 家常海鲜2

All time best choice. No matter what the cooking method picked, love everything fresh from the sea.

Steamed Tilapia. 经典的一盘。只要鱼鲜,火候精准,总不腻味。吃喧闹的中式筵席,往往期待这一道:多数人都大肉大酒滞住了,鱼款款出场,多么优雅。而无论是扰人或不舍的应酬,也随这道鱼,就要终结。

Tri-cook for a giant piece. I like the milky soup most. Kiddos take anything with soy sauce. 超大的一条,近5磅呢。足够我做一鱼三吃:鱼头豆腐汤,清蒸鱼肚,红烧滑水。

Baked Mackerel. 烤鲭鱼。好肥美敦厚的肉头呵。

Pan Grilled Big Month Bass. 大嘴鲈鱼烧得好,蒜瓣肉是脆的。可顺口。

Butter grilled Pam Fish. Smells very sweet. All like it, so have to cook golden one because white is delicate, but just too small to share. 我们家挑鱼的小儿子极少数喜欢的鱼和做法。鲳鱼用面粉牛油来煎,肉厚并入烤箱烤,不多的一屋子香而不腥的鱼滋味。

Oven-Roasted Almond Bass with Garlic and Herb Paste. Use butter, of cause smell heavenly good. 蒜泥香草杏仁烤鲈鱼。吃了法餐回来山寨版。可以算及格吧。可又是香了一屋子呢。

 Oven Baked Fish Fillet w/herbs, Parmesan & Panko. 芝是酥皮烤鱼排。无骨无皮,老老少少比较便利。

Grilled Eel. Hot summer treat. I love to pair it with avocado now. 好吃送饭的烤鳗鱼!发现配牛油果也不错哦。

Sautéed Fresh Eel. Soooo yum! Two is not nearly enough.... 盘龙烧海鳗。在好吃的东西之前,有时候语言都会是苍白的。典型的我从小至大钟情的“没有鱼鳞的鱼”之一。多少少小回忆。被宠和享受的回忆。

Sweet & Sour Fish Fillet. My all time favorite when was little. 松子鱼。好啦,这也轮到我来做啦。糖醋是我爸爸的拿手戏,让我瞬间回到从前。

 Oven Roasted King Fish Steak. 这是多简单的一道呵。

 Chili Sea Bass Steak. It really does not matter how you cook it. The melty fatty texture may capture your heart at first bite. 无论再怎么涨价,鳕鱼是要跟定了吃嘀。而蒸烧煎煮,无论怎么做,都是让人幸福的滋味。

The Greenland Halibut tastes no less compare to Chili Sea Bass. Oh we just love all these yummy from deep cold water. 这是最近发现的类似鳕鱼的大比目鱼。也真的很值得敲锣打鼓的宣扬一下。好滋味。

Steamed fish fillet. No bone no skin, my little one likes it. 鱼排来蒸,也是很简单的事。

When first boy gets sick, he wants anything from sea, plus potato. I don't do chowder 'cause it's too heavy, find this could be very rewarding. 海鲜汤。给小孩做的, 自己干脆再多烧一份,清淡营养又美味,不愁销。

Broiled Salmon Belly w/Miso Paste. Red goes so well on this dish. 我送酒,老大送饭 ---- 肥美丰盈的三纹鱼肚子,用大酱清酒米淋腌过夜入味,烤箱火一炙,简单美满。

Home-made Smoked Salmon. No matter serves warm or cold, as appetizer or in sandwich, simple yet fancy. 自己醺的三纹鱼排。用 Cherry wood, 香气又是不同。

Sautéed Salmon head. My mom's favorite. 本地有一家港人的超市,三纹鱼头一特价,就挂出“人间美味”的招牌。如今我们都习惯就称这道菜 “人间美味”啦 :-)

We serve very limited shell seafood, I am pretty much the only one enjoy it. So once in a while, big portion to one person though... 家里就我,不要说挑食,简直对什么都充满热情嘛。爱吃贝的只我一人。久久一上一盆,可对得起自己。

Steamed Prawn with salt, ginger, green onion. Exact time on steam & a good sauce weights a lot. 这盐水浸虾,一如白切鸡,要的是鲜甜的原味,但其实配料和火候和手续,实在有讲究哩。

Sautéed Very Spicy Shrimp (again, serve for one person) 辣到着火的虾。反正就我一人,程度全无顾忌。

Even More Spicy Shrimp. I mean, burning spicy. But good. 辣到飞起的虾。为了这好滋味,不愿剥壳的爸爸也加入我的阵营一道飞身齐辣(可是说真的,去了壳烧起来,就不是一样的滋味啦)。

Maine Style Steamed Lobster. I love the summer evening with these and some breeze from the back yard. 在我的planning area, 有新英格兰带回来的杯垫,印着 “How to Cook a Lobster". 时时提醒我,该来一顿了.

Lobster is my always treat to self. It's unthinkable to me that even McDonald's serves Lobster Rolls in summer in New England area. My boys only enjoy two cooks: Maine Style steamed w/butter, and lobster chowder. See how big is very big in my hand :)