Sunday, May 25, 2014

Back Home Cooking 回家第一餐

After all travels and new business models, and 5 hours/day sleeps (still till now), at least I am back to my kitchen, sip the wine while rush all dishes accompany kiddos' cheers :)



Quick fix begins with salad. I love my own dish. Even raw items taste more sweet and crispy when you prepare with more care and heart.

Steak anyone? I have so many meat-eaters in house supporting at anytime.
烤牛排。有比这更德州的吗 ? 小朋友又想妈妈又想肉,回来就要100%满足。

A true meal coming home begins with cage-free chicken soup with yam and ginseng. 真正到晚餐,怀念的是香气袅袅的西洋参淮山土鸡汤。漂去黄澄澄的油,清淡,舒服到心里面。

Steamed Greenland Halibut. Soooooooo good! Enough to compare with Chili Sea Bass!

Lamb. Such a great portion.

My boys all time fav. Very tender and soft stir fry egg. Put in fresh sweet corn. Even better. Not posting all those stir-fry veg. We just had a full table of food. Immediately...

Butter Pecan & Cheese and Corn (!!) Ice Cream with Macaroon.
甜点是双味的冰淇淋配双味的马可龙。我算是孤陋寡闻,第一次尝到奶酪玉米味儿的冰淇淋(黄色的)。活到老,尝到老 :)

I have gardenias everywhere: home office, closets, bath, and hands!