Sunday, March 30, 2014

3 Meals in a Yard 两日三餐在后院

Best time in town! So comfy, breezy, sunny, and NO bugs!
I cannot resist the temptation of meals accompany with citrus flower fragrance and splendid azaleas colors. We dine outdoor whenever possible this weekend.

Dinner 1

Dinner with some Korean hints. Grilled Pork Belly. Sweet and fatty. 忽然动心要有些韩国风。薄薄的带皮五花,用猪肉腌酱制了,也不辣,只是甜。

Grilled Thin-Sliced Beef Rib Eye. 烤牛肉就更甜了。没人会不喜欢。

Cucumber Salad. Sweet and Sour sauce. 没时间泡菜,就来简单易行的。泡黄瓜。

Bean Sprout Salad. 拌豆芽。

A Kimchee Tofu pot to warm up and kick some heat. 泡菜豆腐锅。好热情暖人。

 Crispy lettuce wrap balance the sweet and tenderness of the meat very well. 用生菜卷了,口感正正好,有脆有软,有凉有热,浓郁清淡也平衡。


Sleep till noon on Sunday. Crepe brunch! I love soft and buttery crepe. Big and thin as possible. More is better. 睡到自然醒的后果不过就是两餐并一餐吧(然后该去的应酬会迟到吧)。 好久没做鸡蛋薄饼啦:这种飘着迷人的牛油香的东西实在很优雅很美味, 很简单但费时费工呢。

As always, we do mix-and-match very well on dinning table: when pair with French crepe, my hubby asks for India Roti Paratha. 看吧,当法国饼遇上印度饼。 PK的结果是通通消灭了。

Protein is egg, adds loads of cream and milk. Pick squash for veg. I love the yellow color for spring time brunch. 我要跳过培根看看,后果并不严重:香喷喷的鸡蛋救了场,嫩胡瓜也清甜可人。

My new egg recently is hard-boiled with Fleur de Sel. Simple, classic, pure. 返普归真的鸡蛋。我近期特别迷恋白水煮蛋:今天有老人小孩,煮全熟。自己的就爱4分熟,捻几颗上好的海盐就可以迷死人。

A little meaty for boys. 一点点肉,哄小孩。

Fresh roasted almond. Great to top on anything. 一边煎两种饼,一边备水果,一边烤果仁。我十分认真的希望自己可以不仅是多手神,还得是多腿神才行。

Fruit plate. All fruits taste so sweet now. I love our dear grocers! 每一种瓜果都甜丝丝的。时节到了。好日子来了!

 With maple syrup, or powder sugar, or Nutella, a noon in my yard could be extra sweet... 美好的时分。BTW,我的千里迢迢背回来的哥伦比亚咖啡也十分值得称赞哈。

Dinner 2

When eat at back yard, nothing can be simple and natural than BBQ. Steak and sausage. Our quickest choices. We finally get to the age to share one steak with two persons. 快速的烤肉晚餐:从采买到开饭,一小时多而已。

Steamed Vegetable. 清蒸的菜。健康又不用操心。

 Grilled Corns. So sweet and juicy, we just cannot stop wondering why they use such angles for oil or gas?@_@ 烤甜玉米。

 Pickles. Sweet Texan Style. 配小小的甜味泡黄瓜。

Yummy plate. 满满的一盘。满足又自我检讨中呵。

It's all dark after we jog around the neighborhood. This is healthy dessert tonight. Cold and sweet watermelon reminds us, summer is close by. 甜点就不要太负疚了。

Enjoy my happy back yard!我可爱的院子里,一点点色彩和一点点香气,都是让人沉醉。