Tuesday, March 18, 2014

A bit of Hill Country Taste 寻春的一路

There was one time, we got up before sunrise, driving all day with minimum stop nor rest as possible. While it's all dark for supper, kiddos wished anxiously: which state we could taste tonight ma? "Steak and BBQ of cause! We are still within the best part of Texas."

The point here for a typical day trip is, we are big, Texas sized. And yes, steak and BBQ are soooo good here.



My kiddos love Bucee's all the time. Finally there was once we passed by the center of Luling: it's a Sunday pm. Their famous BBQ places all not open or closed early. I never hesitate to check with locals for recommendations ---- trust me, they always love to help, and trust them, they just know what they can offer.

This café next to city market was been recommended, but also, it was the only one opened. Turns out that dinner just could not be better: best prime rib we ever had within the long star state, so far.
And after we finally tried their BBQ later during an other trip, and their shop in Houston, the conclusion is much more clear: prime rib wins their BBQ 100%.



Hubby's simple and classy plate. Nice rib eye. Tender and juicy. But he eyed on my prime rib all the time.
Bread and Salad in a country way. 这面包切开来是黑的全麦,香喷喷。
Every time I went there, I felt the differences and charms.  Now I got a hint: if all Germany restaurants in the town put "Opa's Sausage" on their menu, why not just go directly to the meat manufactory?

 As a mom always put limits on processed meat, this shelve still quite a fantasy. 他们的网页很不错,回来了也不怕错过。

Meat lover's heaven. 简直是肉食动物的天堂

Varies samples with seasonal décor. 还有不少用心的装饰和试吃样品,可以让人团团转好一阵子。



It hard to fall in love when catch this display on gas station or food stand: but wait when you come over this country store and inhale the goodie meaty smell.... 我们买了捎到爬上Enchanted Rock顶上吃,就着累和风,实在是好味。


Their sandwich making is sincere and generous. Clean, great flavor, big, fair priced. 没数清有多少种三文治:太激动了。总之多少都能找到自己的心头好吧,选择多过普通午餐店。


For our picnic to-go order, they toasted all so perfectly soft and warm, separated with wax paper in between, and made our lunch time an unforgettable one. 我们的外卖烘得热腾腾的,面包和肉都正正好。很用心,很专业。

There are a lot within that you cannot judge till bite through.

Wondering around this little Germany-immigrate town, what can be better for a good chilled beer? The waitress picked this one for me: Oct Fest. 怎么说都要来一客道地的德国啤酒吧。点餐的老太太看我一副只点红酒,不明啤酒的样子,同情不已:孩子,尝尝吧,这种不难喝的 ----- 我也不会,只喝它.....

Dinner patio under trees, around beer barrels, and listening to the church bell next to us.


Country salad.  寻常的东西,因为恰当的酱汁,衬托得顺口了。

See, Opa's sausage. Better presentation with a four times the cost. 乡村的饮食,平易而直白。

More sausages. 这肠子分量是不多,就品种倒是过瘾了。


My plate. 酸的东西我不怕。不过换了家里长辈小辈就有些够呛:酸得一点儿弯都不转,没吃什么油腻的,把自己的肠胃都刮青啦。

My boys fav. 我们的少爷们喜欢的口味。
Country BBQ burger is very well. But rest of my family cannot enjoy the traditional sour potato and carrot.

San Antonio

I loss count how many times we visited this great city. It is a loooooong list for where to hang out and where to eat. We found marvelous pizzas, steaks, BBQ, and fun bars all around the town. But the typical we like to eat is their Mexican. Not Tex-Mex. Just real Mexican food. Save our trip to the valley.

I still remember my first time eating Mexican food: I ate so hard on the chips and salsa(very chunky very fresh very spicy), that felt already full before the main course came out. And I was shocked: they are FREE?! 就和上一碟花生或泡菜一般自然。那一碗现打的番茄辣椒酱或牛油果酱才吸引人。

Menudo soup. We judge it to judge the level of how Mexican this chef goes. 牛杂汤。这是招人爱恨分明的一道。每次我们点,都招来服务生或临坐的认同的眼光。

Someone always could find "familiar" food wherever he goes....
My first formal Mexican cuisine plate was similar alike this one: I was so doubt how everything so smashed. After so many years, this is not only my dream plate, but also mu little one's. 人是要有开放的心才能去欣赏和享受。我们多少家人和朋友都还不明白或接受这糊糊的奶酪和豆泥,真好吃。

 My very spicy beefy giant fajita plate. 俩人分着卷了面饼都可饱了。这样每天吃,后果会很严重。



 Love their green pepper sauce: catch fire!

 Tour their dessert display. Flan looks great.



 Some look very familiar to our Asian bakery. 奶油筒和菠萝包?这样熟悉的身影。

Cookies and donuts. 看小朋友们抓着个饼干跟在大人身后听话的样子,忽然想起了自己小时候简单快乐的时光。

My final choice. Sweet a great tour to the end. 最后总要选份带走:甜蜜蜜的归程,一如这南方的胡桃糖。